Process Hierarchy

  Nitrogen anneal
Process characteristics:
Process duration
Running time of the process (excluding setup/shutdown time)
Process duration
Running time of the process (excluding setup/shutdown time), must be 1 .. 180 min
1 .. 180 min
Maximum temperature the substrate reaches during a process
Maximum temperature the substrate reaches during a process, must be 450 .. 1100 °C
450 .. 1100 °C
Ambient to which substrate is exposed during processing
Sides processed both
Wafer size
Wafer size
Equipment Furnace (N2 anneal)
Equipment characteristics:
Batch sizes 100 mm: 25
MOS clean no
Wafer geometry
Types of wafers this equipment can accept
1-flat, 2-flat, no-flat, notched
Wafer materials
List of wafer materials this tool can accept (not list of all materials, just the wafer itself).
Wafer thickness
List or range of wafer thicknesses the tool can accept
200 .. 1000 µm