Nanometrics NanoSpec 3000PHX

Alternate Name 3000PHX
Manufacturer Nanometrics
Model 3000PHX
Type commercial
Equipment Characteristics
Batch sizes 50 .. 150 mm: 1
Wafer diameter(s)
List or range of wafer diameters the tool can accept
50 .. 150 mm
Wafer geometry
Types of wafers this equipment can accept
1-flat, 2-flat, no-flat, notched
Wafer holder
Device that holds the wafers during processing.
aluminum plate
Wafer materials
List of wafer materials this tool can accept (not list of all materials, just the wafer itself).
[Thumbnail]Nano SpecLwRz.jpg (105.4 KB, image/jpeg)
attached by ozgur (Mehmet Ozgur) on 2003-12-09 14:38